We rise by
lifting others

We educate
Welift has specialized in Olympic weightlifting. Unique is the educational character of the services we offer, like: workshops, trainingcamps and coaching courses. Find the course that suits you best.

We program
Use the member app to discover welift’s online training experience. It offers a personal program and countless instruction videos to allow you to enjoy your constant progress.

We fuel
A food plan that actually works. Personalized attention is the standard, behavior is key. Wefuel guides you towards a better lifestyle and optimal performance.

We are welift.
We lift together.
We are welift.
We lift together.
We are welift.
We lift together.
We lift together.
We are welift.
We lift together.
We are welift.
We lift together.
We are welift.
coach course
We wish for you to aspire to be in motion with Olympic weightlifting. Our weightlifting coach course does exactly that. We educate professionals and sports enthusiasts to pass our shared passion on to.

Discover our digital training experience to learn how to lift. The app features personal programs, a comprehensive video library, and live contact with a Welift coach of your choice.